marți, 2 august 2011

Energiile lunii August 2011

de Jennifer Hoffman
sursa and

Suntem dincolo de jumatatea anului 2011 si acum marea intrebare pe care toti ne-o punem este "Suntem deja acolo?" Acesta fost un an al transformarii, al lectiilor, al invatarii si al alegerilor. Am fost intrebati, mereu si din nou, daca suntem siguri de ceea ce ne dorim. Aceasta luna, de asemenea, incepe cu o luna noua, un moment bun pentru a crea o lista de dorinte a zonelor din viata in care doriti mai mult - mai multa dragoste, distractie, emotie, bucurie, incredere si actiune. Suntem gata sa ne punem pe noi pe primul loc? Ne-am implinit karma noastra? Este timpul sa lasam lucrurile sa mearga de la sine si, daca da, suntem gata de a le elibera pe deplin si nu a le da drumul si apoi sa privim inapoi, in speranta ca ne vor ajunge din urma?

August ne da o alta sansa de a face acest lucru, pentru ca incepe cu o luna noua, si
un Mercur retrograd, a doua oportunitate din acest an pentru a re-vizualiza trecutul, a repeta (sau nu), comportamentul trecut, eliberarea acelor lucruri care nu mai servesc si ne re-stoca energiile noastre. Putem folosi Mercur retrograd in multe moduri diferite si de prea multe ori percepem aceste perioade cu groaza, preconizand intarzieri obisnuite in comunicare si in calatorie, probleme cu calculatorul, si obisnuitele suparari de viata.
Dar Mercur retrograd este mai mult decat atat, este un moment in care putem avea grija de acele mici lucruri pe care le dam deoparte pentru ca nu avem timp de ele. In aceaste urmatoare trei saptamani vom fi nevoiti sa le luam in seama deoarece ele pot veni in moduri pe care nu le putem ignora. Daca nu ati facut o revizie a computerului de mai multe luni el se avariaza, astfel risti sa pierzi munca ta; in aceasta perioada va reamintim ca trebuie sa aveti putin grija de detaliile vietii, atat cele exterioare cat si cele interioare. Ati amanat in a face o alegere sau a lua o decizie? Mercur retrograd va va pune chiar in fata ei asa ca veti fi nevoiti sa o faceti.
Deci, august incepe printr-o puternica reamintire de a prioritiza, a gestiona timpul nostru si energia noastra, pentru a nu lasa lucrurile sa scape de sub control pana cand energia noastra este impartita in 100 de directii diferite. Apoi, pe masura ce ne deplasam prin aceasta luna vom fi capabili de a incheia multe situatii in care ne-au tracasat pe tot parcursul anului, reflectand experienta multor vieti.
Am vazut multi oameni care au alegeri de facut cu privire la responsabilitati familiale, angajamente si conexiuni si cum pot ei invata sa creeze un echilibru intre ele.
In luna august aveti posibilitatea sa raspundeti la intrebarea, "Cine este pe primul loc in viata ta? ' si re-evaluarea a orice a fost o prioritate pentru tine, pentru a te asigura ca ceea ce devine timpul tau, in termeni de energie si atentie, serveste de asemenea, viselor tale.

Sa aveti o luna minunata.
The Energies of August 2011
by Jennifer Hoffman
We're beyond the midpoint of 2011 now and the big question we're all asking is 'Are we there yet?' This has been a year of transformation, lessons, learning and choices. We have been asked, time and time again, whether we are sure of what we want. This month also begins with a new moon, a good time to create a wish list of areas in your life where you want more - more love, fun, excitement, joy, confidence and action. Are we ready to put ourselves first? Have we completed our karma? Is it time for us to let things go and if so, are we ready to fully release them and not let go and then look back, hoping they will catch up to us?

August gives us another chance to do that because it begins with a new moon and a Mercury Retrograde, this year's second opportunity to re-view the past, repeat past behavior (or not), re-lease those things which no longer serve us and re-store our energies. We can use Mercury Retrograde in many different ways and too often we see these periods with dread, expecting the usual delays in communication and travel, computer problems, and general life upsets.

But Mercury Retro is more than that, it's a time when we can take care of the little things that we put off because we don't have time for them. In this next three weeks we will because they can come up in ways that we can't ignore. If you haven't backed up your computer in months and it crashes so you lose your work, this period will remind you that you need to take care of your life's little details, both the outer and the inner ones. Have you been putting off making a choice or decision? Mercury retro will put you right in the middle of it so you have to do that.

So August begins with a strong reminder to prioritize, manage our time and energy, to not let things get away from us until our energy is scattered in 100 different directions. Then as we move through the month we will be able to create closure in many situations that have been nagging at us all year, mirroring lifetimes of experience. I've been seeing many people with choices to make about family responsibilities, commitments and connections and how they can learn to create balance among them. In August you can answer the question, 'Who comes first in your life?" and re-assess whatever has been a priority for you to ensure sure that what is getting your time, energy and attention is also serving your dreams.

Have a wonderful month. and

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