joi, 12 ianuarie 2012

Iubeste-te in interior

Un om obisnuit numai aparent se iubeste pe el insusi si isi doreste sanatate, prosperitate si bunastare. Daca ar putea observa si cunoaste sinele sau interior, el ar auzi inauntrul sau o continua incantatie de ganduri negative si de griji, un recital de rugaciuni pentru nenorociri, in asteptarea unor evenimente teribile, probabile sau improbabile.ââ


Auto-sabotajul este efectul unei psihologii fragmentate care la majoritatea oamenilor se manifesta printr-un sentiment de vinovatie si un sentiment constant de incertitudine si esec; omul devine victima cantecului de durere pe care il canta in interiorul sau precum si a fluxului de imaginatie negativa si ganduri distructive cu ecou neintrerupt din interior.
Oamenii traiesc prea des si prea mult timp in afara lor, in identificarea cu lumea si astfel maresc distanta fata de partea adevarata din ei insisi. Angoasa pe care o simtiti este semnalul cel mai de incredere ca ati uitat - hipnotizati de imaginatia lumii ca o realitate separata exterioara voua.
Ca o consecinta, un om obisnuit se gandeste in secret la moartea sa ca solutie la toate problemele, si inconstient incearca sa accelereze plecarea sa fizica. Homo sapiens s-a redus la o specie sinucigasa gasind in droguri, alcool, fumat, dieta nesanatoasa, si mai presus de toate in emotiile negative, un meniu inspaimantator sau lista de optiuni pentru propria eliminare. Daca am incerca sa-i oprim si sa ne opunem proiectului lor mortal, ei nu ne-ar vedea ca salvatori sau binefacatori. Dimpotriva, o astfel de incercare ne-ar transforma in dusmani de moarte, si in final si-ar amana numai auto-sabotajul. "Scoala zeilor".


Remediul este: iubeste-te in interior; iubeste-te in interior neincetat. Aceasta inseamna sa fii in contact cu partea ta cea mai reala. Aceasta inseamna sa realizezi si sa traiesti o stare de victorie, de gratie si de intelegere - o stare de inocenta. Acest cuvant provine din radacina latina innocent, ceea ce inseamna "sa nu + ranesti". Prin urmare, inocent in sensul sau adevarat, este acea calitate a unui om de a nu-si face rau sie insusi, care nu este devotat ocupatiei planetare favorite de auto-sabotaj.
Pentru oamenii nepregatiti, iubirea de sine in interior arata ca o situatie destul de plictisitoare, in care se pare ca nu se intampla nimic si emotia lipseste, in raport cu starea de neliniste si de permanent vacarm in care traiesc oamenii obisnuiti. Pentru un om care, cu toate acestea, ramane lucid si ferm in iubirea pentru el insusi in interior, totul este punctual, si chiar si confuzia unei lumi in anarhie unde totul este aparent in revolta si incearca sa scape de integrarea sa intr-o unitate - pare a fi o miscare de fuziune, spre un nivel mai inalt de integritate.

Opriti-va din a va face rau singuri

Majoritatea oamenilor cred ca lumea asa cum este nu functioneaza si nu poate merge inainte fara interventia lor, si astfel ei incearca sa aduca solutii celorlalti, crezand ca le pot rezolva problemele si vindeca bolile. Vanitatea lor ii face sa creada ca ei insisi sunt vindecati si sunt gata sa-i ajute pe altii. In realitate, cine nu a invins minciuna de sine, acela care nu este constient de auto-sabotajul care continuu merge cu sine, nu poate face nimic pentru nimeni. In realitate, singurul lucru pe care il puteti face cu adevarat pentru a ajuta lumea este acela de a va trezi din cosmarul dumneavoastra si de a va opri din a va face rau singuri. Ne intalnim cu un cersetor si ne simtim obligati sa-l ajutam, sau pe oricine este in nevoie, datorita fricii noastre inconstiente, ca ne-am putea afla vreodata in aceasta situatie si in speranta ca vom gasi ajutor. Cu toate acestea, frica noastra creeaza obiectul fricii noastre. In timp ce va ganditi la aceasta eventualitate deja pregatiti terenul pentru ca acest lucru sa se intample. Gandul tau simplu te-a pus deja acolo. In momentul in care ii acorzi ajutor, te afli deja in zdrente si cersesti in locul lui. Iti spui tie insuti, "Eu nu voi fi niciodata in aceasta stare de nevoie!".

In spatele perdelei de fum a filantropiei

Sa ne deschidem ochii pentru ce se ascunde in spatele falsului altruism si majoritatea formelor de caritate, stimulat de catre institutiile care traiesc pe seama sentimentului de vinovatie al oamenilor. Majoritatea organizatiilor umanitare exista doar pentru a se perpetua. Ele se specializeaza in obtinerea de fonduri si in colectarea resurselor pe care apoi le folosesc gresit si le risipesc, abia reusind sa se sprijine pe ele insele. Daca ridicati perdeaua de fum care acopera filantropia in orice forma a sa, este posibil sa descoperiti ca in spatele sufragetelor si Armatei Salvarii, in spatele ajutorului medical si farmaceutic si de distributie a produselor alimentare, se ascunde cea mai atroce crima organizata si cele mai grave acte impotriva omului. In realitate ajutorul creeaza nevoia de ajutor intr-un cerc vicios fara sfarsit. In fiecare zi, armata umanitaristilor, altruistilor si filantropilor creste, si toate relele cu care pretind ca se lupta se extind si devin mai acute. Saracia si foametea nu au fost niciodata atat de larg raspandite ca acum. Lucrand la efecte si nu la combaterea cauzei, se hranesc numai pe ei insisi si buzunarele si vanitatea lor. Saracia este o boala mentala. Moartea este doar in inima noastra. Daca am putea recunoaste acest lucru, ne-ar revolutiona conceptul de caritate. Numai "un vis" ar putea schimba saracia in prosperitate, si dificultatile in intelegere. Un om, o corporatie, o natiune care viseaza nu este niciodata saraca - nu poate fi niciodata saraca. Cel care a invins minciuna si auto-sabotajul in el insusi, cel care se iubeste pe sine in interior, nu are nevoie de a cauta niciun ajutor extern. El este solutia si are puterea de a face pentru el insusi, si prin aceasta, pentru lume si pentru altii.

Lumea are nevoie de schimbarea ta

Ganditi-va cat de multe vulgaritate si resturi emotionale se elimina prin aceasta realizare. Vinovatia, constiinta victimei, si falsa dragoste pentru ceilalti sunt toate spulberate dintr-o data, impreuna cu toate organizatiile filantropice si organizatiile umanitare fondate pe fals altruism.

Lumea nu are nevoie de ajutorul tau, dar cu disperare are nevoie de schimbarea ta.

Credeti ca acest lucru ne face cinici si rai? O persoana care se iubeste pe sine in interior nu poate fi cinica sau rautacioasa fata de ceilalti. Cand ati castigat in interior, sunteti vindecarea a tot si toate. Facand-o pentru tine, prin inocenta ta, aduci cel mai mare ajutor lumii.
Iubindu-va pe voi insiva este singurul lucru de facut, si singura activitate pentru a depasi fragmentarea interioara, aceasta este singura modalitate de a recastiga unitatea noastra. Iubirea in interior reprezinta fuziunea intr-o singura entitate a tuturor particulelor de Fiinta imprastiate. Noi numim aceasta realizare Integritate.

Furnicaturile, senzatiile de vibrare

In scopul de a darui altora noi trebuie mai intai sa stim cum sa ne dam noua insine.

Pentru a da, eu trebuie sa am; ca sa am, eu trebuie sa fiu.

Acela care nu a atins o stare de intregire este un om in nevoie, este cu adevarat sarac, si nu poate da nimic la nimeni.
Cand eram copiii mici obisnuiam sa ne trezim cu o senzatie de bucurie - senzatia noastra de integritate si sentimentul de a fi completi. Nimic nu lipsea. Adultii au uitat demult cum e extazul in corpul lor, dar cand incepi sa te iubesti poti simtii din nou ca o furnicatura, o senzatie de vibrare sub piele. Un lider stie ca el trebuie sa astepte acest semnal fizic inainte de orice decizie care o face, si inainte de orice actiune pe care o face. Un lider stie legea de aur a economiei: eu am pentru ca eu dau, eu dau pentru ca eu sunt. Daruirea este mai presus de toata auto-daruirea - daruirea de a fi. Dau ceea ce sunt. Prin iubirea de sine, se castiga puterea de a da altora ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat si ceea ce au cu adevarat nevoie: lipsa fricii, curajul, angajamentul si sentimentul de siguranta.

Love yourself inside

An ordinary man only apparently loves himself and wishes himself good health, prosperity and well-being. If he could observe and know his inner self, he would hear within, a constant chant of negative thoughts and worries, the recital of a prayer of misfortune in the expectation of terrible events, however probable or improbable.

Self-sabotage is the effect of a fragmented psychology that in most people manifests in a sense of guilt and a constant feeling of uncertainty and failure; man becomes victim of the song of sorrow he sings inside, and of the flow of negative imagination and destructive thoughts ceaselessly echoing inside him.
People live too often and for too long outside of themselves, lost in identification with the world, and thereby enlarging the distance from the real part of themselves. The anguish you feel is the most reliable signal that you have forgotten - hypnotized by the imagination of the world as a separate reality external to yourself.
As a consequence, an ordinary man secretely thinks of his death as the solution to all his troubles, and unconsciously tries to accelerate his physical departure. Homo sapiens has reduced itself to a suicidal species finding in drugs, smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, and above all, negative emotions, its terrifying menu or list of options for perpetrating one’s elimination. If we would try to stop them, and oppose their project of death, they would not see us as rescuers or benefactors. On the contrary, such an attempt would turn them into mortal enemies, and in the end would only postpone their self-sabotage.» The School for Gods.

Love Yourself
The remedy is: love yourself inside; love yourself unceasingly. It means to be in contact with the most real part of yourself. It means achieving and living a state of victory, of grace, and of understanding - a state of innocence. This word comes from the Latin root innocent which means not-nocere ‘not + to hurt’. Innocent in its true meaning is then the quality of a man who is not harming himself, who is not devoted to the favourite planetary occupation of self-sabotage.
For unprepared people, loving oneself inside looks like quite a boring condition, in which it seems that nothing happens and excitement is missing, compared to the state of apprehension and constant turmoil in which ordinary men live. For a man, however, who remains lucid and firm in loving himself inside, everything is punctual, and even the confusion of the world – that anarchy where everything is apparently rebelling and trying to escape from composing itself into a unity - appears to be a movement of fusion, towards a higher level of integrity.

Stop damaging yourself
Most people believe that the world as it is does not work and cannot go ahead without their intervention, and so try to bring solutions to the others, thinking to resolve their problems, and to heal their illnesses. Their vanity makes them believe that they themselves are healed and ready to help others. In reality, he who has not defeated the lie within himself, he who is unaware of the self-sabotage that continually goes on within him, cannot do anything for anyone. The only thing you can really do to help the world is to wake up from your nightmare and stop damaging yourself. We meet a beggar and we feel compelled to help him, or anyone in need, for the sake of our unconscious fear that we could find ourselves in that condition and the hope that we could find help. Our fear, however, is creating the object of our fear. While you think of this eventuality you are already laying the grounds for this very thing to happen. Your mere thought has already put you there. In the moment in which you are giving aid, you find yourself covered in his rags, and begging in his place. You tell yourself, “I’ll never be in that state of need!”.

Behind the smokescreen of philanthropy
Let’s open our eyes to the falseness hiding behind altruism and most forms of charity fostered by institutions that live off people’s sense of guilt. Most humanitarian organizations only exist to perpetuate themselves. They specialise in obtaining funds and gathering resources which they then misspend and squander, barely managing to even support themselves. If you lift the smokescreen surrounding philanthropy in its every form, you might discover that behind the suffragists and the Salvation Armies, behind medical and pharmaceutical aid and the distribution of food, hides the most atrocious organized crime and the worst acts against man. In reality, help creates the need for help, in an endless vicious circle. Every day the army of humanitarians, altruists and philantropists grows, and all the evils that they pretend to fight extend and become more acute. Poverty and famine have never been so widespread. Working on the effects and never tackling the cause, they only feed themselves, their pockets, and their vanity. Poverty is a mental illness. Death is only in our heart. If we could recognize this, we would revolutionize the very concept of charity. Only the ‘dream’ can change poverty into prosperity, and difficulties into understanding. A man, a corporation, a nation who dreams is never poor - can never be poor. He who has defeated the lie and self-sabotage in himself, who loves himself inside, has not to look for any external help. He is the solution and has the power of doing for himself, and because of it, for the world and for others.

The world needs your change
Think how much vulgarity and emotional debris is eliminated through this realization. Guilt, victim consciousness, and false love for others are all swept away at once, together with all the philanthropic organizations and humanitarian organizations founded on false altruism.

The world doesn't need your help, but desperately, your change.

Do you think this can make us cynical and mean? A person who loves himself inside cannot be cynical or mean towards others. When you have won inside, you are the healing of all and everything. Doing for yourself, through your innocence, you are bringing the greatest possible help for the world.
Loving yourself is the only thing to do, and the only activity to overcome inner fragmentation; it is the only way to regain our oneness. Loving ourselves inside is the fusion of all the scattered particles of our Being into one single entity. We call this achievement Integrity.

The tingling, vibrating sensation
In order to give to others we have first to know how to give to ourselves.

To give, I have to have; to have, I have to be.

He who has not achieved a state of wholeness is a man in need, is truly poor, and cannot give anything to anybody.
When we were little children we used to wake up with a sensation of joy - the feeling of our integrity and the feeling of being complete. Nothing was missing. Adults have long forgotten that ecstasy in their body, but when you start to love yourself you can feel it again as a tingling, vibrating sensation under your skin. A leader knows that he has to wait for this physical signal before any decision is made, and before any action is taken. A leader knows the golden law of economy: I have because I give; I give because I am. Giving is above all self-giving - the donation of one’s being. I give what I am. Through loving himself, he gains the power to give to others what really matters and what they really need: his fearlessness, courage, commitment, and his sense of safety.

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