duminică, 21 martie 2010

Zi de zi tot mai multi oameni sunt treziti.Acest lucru ii inspira sa ridice inimile si mintile lor,asfel constiintalor le permite cresterea Luminii lui Dumnezeu pe Pamant.Cand constiinta noastra este ridicata si lumina lui Dumnezeu creste in vietile noastre,atunci vom incepe a vedea cu ochi noi si auzi cu urechi noi(adica dezvoltarea extrasenzoriala), acest fenomen are un efect minunat,ne permite sa percepem in mod clar viata si adevarul divin, interconectate si interdependente. Apoi,dicolo de umbra de indoiala, ca toti suntem UNUL si ca nu exista nici un lucru,cum ar fi"noi si ei".

Atunci cand aceasta realitate rezoneaza in adancul inimii noastre,validitatea de razboi,devine imposibil de a accepta,precum si conceptele de saracie,lacomie, coruptie, violenta, abuz de putere, opresiune, ura, egoismul, a aduce atingere,poluarea, boli,ignoranta, precum si orice reflectare a credintei noastre in separare a devenit intolerabila. Constienta trezita,va lua pozitie fata de situatii negative si a modelelor de comportament. Din pacate,ne face sa ne polarizam impotriva persoanelor implicate.Avem in comun intuitii noi achizitionate si sa incercam sa-i convingem ca modul lor de a gandi si senzatie sunt defectuoase. Acestia la randul lor vor sustine,din perspectiva lor,ca modul nostru de gandire este iluzorie si ca noi am fost dupa un idealism nerealist.Desigur, acesteargumente sunt desarte ,o exacerbare la polarizarea noastra.
Este timpul pentru ca noi toti sa intelegem cu adevarat faptul ca oamenii nu stiu ce fac.Atunci cand o persoana se trezeste ,constiinta lui este sus,astfel si perceptia lui despre realitate este transformata. O persoana,literalmen te trezita,gandeste, simte,vede si aude cu o mai mare constientizare. Aceasta schimbare a constiintei permite persoanei de a percepe un adevar intr-un alt mod,sa inteleaga unitatea de viata la un nivel mai profund.Aceasta are ca rezultat trezirea in cunoasterea interioara a inimii si minte persoanei in mod incontestabil. Daca cineva incearca sa conteste sa discrediteze o persoana trezita ,nu are nici o sansa,este inutil efortul.Diferenta este ca persoana trezita ,vede, aude si intelege perfect persoana surda si oarba,care are probleme cu conceptul de culoare si muzica.Au compasiune pentru astfel de persoane,rabdare ,dragoste si multa intelegere.Din pacate,nu putem spune cu usurinta daca cineva este trezit sau nu.De multe ori oamenii spun mai multe decat fac,sau ca inteleg mai mult .Cand am observat ca acesti oameni de fapt se lauda,suntem dezamagiti,frustrat i de actiunile si perceptia lor,astfel se creaza polarizarea. Este un moment foarte dificil pentru oamenii de pretutindeni. Este momentul in care lumea este in curs de curatare,precum si ego-urile noastre sunt impinse pe suprafata transmutata si urmeaza a fi vindecata.Este o parte necesara tansformarii noastre,trebuie si o curatare cu scopul de a completa inaltarea unitatii noastre in a-5-a dimensiune.Astfel va fi o purificare pentru fiecare dintre noi in mod individual si in mod colectiv.Daca vom privi din nou stirile,vom vedea rapoarte pe scara larga de lacomie corporativa, coruptie la nivel guvernamental, atrocitatile razboiului,dezechil ibre in sistemul economic,nenumarate alte lucruri care reflecta teama umanitatii si o credinta de separare.Toate acestea au fost un timp foarte indelungat,dar nu au fost aduse in atentia maselor.
In aceata perioada intensa de curatare si trezire,oamenii din intreaga lume, devine din ce in ce mai polarizata,peste fiecare aspect al vietii inimaginabil. Ele suntpolarizate peste razboaie,economie ,impozite,sistemul de justitie,politica, guvern,religie, educatie, valorile familiei stiluri de viata,energie, securitate, afaceri,manageme nt,munca, medicamente, alimente, apei,a mediului,precum si altele.Ni s-a adus la cunostinta de catre Fiintele de Lumina din Taramurile Adevarului Iluminat ca umanitatea este in mijlocul celei mai mare schimbari a constiintei cunoscuta vreodata.Pamantul si toata suflarea de pe el sunt in crestere pe spirala evolutiei in a-5-a dimensiune a perfectiunii fizice infinite,in scopul de a finaliza acest proces de inaltare a raiului pe Pamant,pentru a deveni o realitate evidenta trebuie sa vindecam polarizarea.
Apoi,pacea luiDumnezeu va fi vesnica.Acesta este scopul si motivul,acum avem tot ce ne trebuie pentru a realiza acest lucru.
Ceea ce afecteaza o parte din viata ,afecteaza de fapt toata viata.Cu alte cuvinte,daca voi fi inaltat in constiinta toata viata este inaltata cu mine.In loc de polarizare ,avem nevoie pentru a crea o noua realitate,de o realitate care sa reflecte unimea si face conceptul de separare perimata.Avem posibilitatea de a ajuta in acest efort de zi cu zi si ora ,asa cum avem puterea de atentiei noastre, departe de iluzia de separare ,si sa se concentreze pe viziunea raiului pe Pamant.Cand vom observa ceva in viata noastra sau din lume care nu reflectya unimea sau respectul vietii,putem invoca Lumina lui Dumnezeu in situatia transmutarii negative asociate acesteia prin utilizarea Flacarei Violet.Apoi, ne putem imagina ce vrem pentru a crea in locul sau.

In loc de polarizare impotriva guvernului nostru,de exemplu,putem invoca prezenta persoanelor care detin o functie publica si sa le cereti sa preia ;comanda,gandurile, sentimentele, cuvintele si actiunile.Apoi vom putea vizualiza functionarii publici cum vor raspunde cu integritate si vor lupta pentru binele cel mai inalt pentru intreaga omenire.Cand lacomaia ,egoismul ,iar dezechilibrele indistribuirea bogatiei sunt aduse in natentia noastra ,putem invoca prezenta persoanelor implicate in aceste activitati .Ne putem imagina prezenta lor,luand comandainimilor si mintilor,vizualizan d cum ne raspunde cu iubire,generozitate ,precum si dorinta de a ajuta pe cei care sunt mai putin norocosi decat ei insisi.Oricare ar fi gandurile noastre,cuvintele, actiunile si sentimentele, avem nevoie de a crea viziuni a ceea ce ne dorim in viata pe care o traim pe acest Pamant,apoi vom crea aceasta noua realitate.Avand aceasta abilitate de a vizualiza raiul pe Pamant,cu fiecare gand ,cuvant,sentiment si actiune ale noastre,avem capacitatea de a servi in numele intregii omeniri.Intrucat viata este interconectata, atunci cand ne ridica la un nivel mai ridicat de constiinta sau transmuta un aspect al constiintei noastre umane,care nu mai serveste binele nostru cel mai inalt,de asemenea ridicam si transmutam constiinta colectiva,si energiile intregii omeniri.
Dupa cum transmuta modelele noastre invechite de comportament, pur si simplu fiecare barbat,femeie, copil sa-si ridice constiinta lor,pentru a transmuta modelele lor negative de comportament simultan.
Legea Universala este:cereti si veti primi.Bateti si usa va fi deschisa.
In profunda recunostinta pentru abilitatea noastra de a saervi viata pe acest Pamant,sa va alaturati si impreuna sa cocream unificarea iubirii trsansfiguratoare divina.Acest lucru va fi mult mai puternic in impactul acestuia asupra constiintei umane globale,decat la oricare dintre celelalteomenesti generate de energie,perpetuarea problemelor grave cu care ne confruntam pe acest pamant.Este o lege universala ,in cazul in care conditiile interioare sau de forte in constiinta omenirii la nivel global sunt transformate prin dragoste,conditiile exterioare ale lumii vor continua pentru a reflecta Planul Divin pe Pamant.
Planu Divin pe Pamant este viu,activ,foarte puternic,care va produce perfectiunea in cazul in care nu a interferat cu ego-urile noastre umane.Cei mai multi dintre noi incearca in prezent sa gestioneze efectele in viata noastra,decat sa se concentreze pe cauza,cauza ce va schimba cu adevarat situatia in interior.Incercarea de a schimba lucrurile,concentra ndu-se pe efecte este ca si cum ar incerca reflectia in oglinda,fara a schimba obiectul care produce reflectia.Este un efort inutil.Pentru a asigura transformarea conditiilor in interior a umanitatii,trebuie sa ne unim si sa cream forta transfiguratoare a iubirii divine.Centrat in termen de constiinta,capacita tea noastra ,spirituala, colectiva ,va permite ca fiecare dintre noi sa realizeze acest Plan Divin.
Concentrati- va pe aceasta vizualizare, acum,cu puterea deplina a atentiei voastre la constiinta lucratorilor din intreaga lume.Incepem prin invocarea noastra prezenta fiecarui barbat,femeie, copil pentru a lua sub dominatie,gandurile ,sentimentele, cuvintele si actiunile noastre.Tatal nostru-Maica lui Dumnezeu,acum extinde Flacara Iubirii Divine Transfiguratoare in inima fiecarei persoane.Aceasta extindere a luminii creeaza o inima enorma magnetica a Iubirii Divine care infasoara toata Planeta Pamant.Aceasta inima a Iubirii Divine Transfiguratoare atrage la sine energie,vibratii, precum si constiinta iubirii pure de la fiecare nivel de a fi in Univers.Acest cadou a fluxurilor de dragoste ne ajuta sa-si manifeste perfectiunea unimii si veneratia pentru viata,prin inimile si mintile fiecarui barbat,femeie si copil de pe Pamant.Tatal nostru-Maica lui Dumnezeu trimite mai departe 12 Arhangheli magnifici solari ,Transfiguratori ai Iubirii Divine.Aceste fiinte de lumina,altruiste, coboara in atmosfera Pamantului de la marea centura de energie al marelui soare central.Ei iau pozitiile lor strategice in jurul planetei si de buna voie se pregatescpentru a asista in aceasta activitate a luminii.Acesti arhangheli solari sunt stationati la distanta egala de ecuator in jurul pamantului.Unul unifica iubirea transfiguratoare Divina si proiecteaza lumina din flacara inimiilor in centrul Pamantului.Vor conduce o simfonie a iubirii pe care Mama Pamant o va interpreta si toata viata evolueaza in ea.Iubirea de la Arhangheli se extinde prin intermediul celei de a-5-a dimensiune,chakra inimii solare pentru fiecare persoana de pe planeta.Prezenta fiecarui suflet devine un punct de putere a luminii unificate in constiinta cu prezenta fiecarui suflet.Impreuna asimilam,extindem in acest proiect de transfigurare a iubirii Divine.Acest foc sacru se extinde in toata omenirea,regatul elementelor, regatul angelic,precum si intreaga atmosfera a Pamantului.
Prezenta in fiecare persoana este usa deschisa pentru aceasta lumina stralucitoare. La nivelul interior,fiecare persoana de pe planeta se confrunta cu aceasta energie transfiguratoarer de Iubire Divina.Prin intermediul ei,fiecare persoana va vedea lumina stralucitoare a iubirii,mirosind parfum de iubire,si audierea sunetelor cosmice transformate in melodii de dragoste.Prin aceasta activitate a luminii,toti suntem cu adevarat,actiune in dtragoste.Noi suntem in schimbarea colectivului de vibratii de baza,de cauza,a substantei luminii primare care a intrat in conditiile actuale ,negative,si sunt sa se vindece pe Pamant.Prin dragostea Tatalui nostru-Mama lui Dumnezeu,Arhangheli solari si prezenta noastra,suntem cauza acestei magnetice ale acestei iubiri transfiguratoare Divine,acum ancorate pe Pamant.Impreuna am stabilit un loc de baza,fortele spirituale ale iubirii Divine transfiguratoare peste umanitate a care a stat mult timp in exil.
In constiinta cu regatul Pamantului si taramurile Cerului,suntem usa deschisa pe care nimeni nu o poate inchide.Suntem explorarea si redescoperirea companiei cerului si alDivinitatii pentru fiecare persoana,in care acum gasim suport complet pentru realizarea planurilor noastre divine.Aceasta este ceea ce Tatal nostru-Mama lui Dumnezeu,magnetica transfiguratoare a dragostei Divine ,este atragerea fiecaruia dintre noi ,personal si colectiv,asa cum am trai in cadrul acesteia.Noi am fost ridicati intr-o profunda trezire a constiintei Supreme a Iubirii.Suntem ,aici si acum,comandantii de dragoste.Acum stim noi insine ca fiinte de dragoste,acceptarea responsabilitatii pentru iubirea acestui Pamant dulce,precum si toata viata gratuita.Suntem una cu aceasta planeta binecuvantata, iar planeta este una cu noi.Cei 12 Arhangheli solari sunt completarea cu acea lumina a lor ,de a imbratisa fiecare fiinta umana in iubirea cosmica Divina transfiguratoare. Aceasta ne inconjoara pe fiecare dintre noi si este ancorat in Divinitate.Iubirea lui Dumnezeu,acum este prospera pe Pamant prin mine.Inima iubirii transfiguratoare invaluind acum Pamantul,este transformarea substantei primordiale, lumina organismelor pamantesti,cat si fizice,straturile eterice,mentale si emotionale ale Pamantului.
Schimbarea conditiilor de interior pentru intreaga planeta,sunt setarea la un nou curs planetar a iubirii Divine.Ma simt unitate completa cu toata viata,iar acum cu fiecare respiratie sfanta,sa iau,sa asimilez,sa extind,proiectul de dragoste a lui Dumnezeu in fiecare aspect al umanitatii,zi cu zi de functionare.
Acum respir profund si imi revine atentia mea in camera,devin constienta de corpul meu fizic,prin care se deplaseaza degetele mele de la maini si de la picioare.Apoi inspir ,respir,deschid ochii si...incep in mod normal respiratia.

Day by day more and more people are awakening. This inspires them to lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all One and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

When this reality resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to accept, and the concepts of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance, and every other reflection of our belief in separation become intolerable.

Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.

It is time for all of us to really grasp the fact that PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. When a person awakens, his or her consciousness is raised up, and their perception of reality is transformed. An awakened person literally thinks, feels, sees, and hears with greater awareness. This shift of consciousness allows the person to perceive a greater Truth and to comprehend the Oneness of Life at a deeper level. This awakening results in an indisputable inner knowing within the person’s heart and mind.

When an unawakened person tries to deny, dispute, or discredit the inner knowing of an awakened person, it is futile. That effort is like a deaf and blind person trying to convince a sighted-hearing person that there is no such thing as color or music. The difference in that situation is that the sighted-hearing person would understand perfectly why the deaf and blind person was having trouble grasping the concept of color and music. The sighted-hearing person would have compassion for the deaf and blind person and would respond to him or her with patience, love, and understanding.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily tell if someone is awakened or not. We often make the mistake of assuming that people should know more than they do, or that they should understand more than they are capable of understanding. When we expect more from people than they are capable of, we are generally disappointed and frustrated with their actions and their perception of things, which only polarizes us further.

This is a very challenging time for people everywhere. It is a time when Humanity is being purged, and the negative behavior patterns of our lower human egos are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is a necessary part of our transformation, and a cleansing that must occur in order for Humanity to complete our Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This purification is happening for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

It seems as though every time we turn on the news, we see widespread reports of corporate greed, governmental corruption, atrocities of war, gross imbalances in the economic system, and myriad other things that reflect Humanity’s fear and a belief in separation. These things have existed for a very long time, but they have not been brought to the attention of the masses as profusely as they are at this time.

During this intense time of cleansing and awakening, people around the world are becoming vastly polarized over every conceivable aspect of life. They are polarized over the wars, the economy, taxes, health, health insurance, the justice system, politics, government, religion, education, family values, life-styles, energy, security, business, management, labor, medicine, food, water, air, the environment, and on and on ad infinitum.

We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever known. The Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Physical Perfection. In order for the Earth and Humanity to complete this Ascension process and for Heaven on Earth to become a manifest reality, we must heal the polarization.

Then God’s Eternal Peace and Abundance will be the order of the new day on this planet.

Since unawakened Humanity cannot easily grasp the concept of the Oneness of Life, it is up to awakened Lightworkers to heal the polarization. This means you and me and every other awakened soul on Earth. This is our purpose and reason for being in embodiment at this time, and we already have everything we need within us to accomplish this mighty feat.

What affects one part of Life affects all Life. In other words, as I AM lifted up in consciousness ALL Life is lifted up with me. Instead of polarizing against everything we disagree with, we need to create a new reality, a reality that reflects our Oneness and makes the concept of separation obsolete.

We have the opportunity to assist in this endeavor daily and hourly, as we take the power of our attention away from the illusion of separation and focus it on the vision of Heaven on Earth. When we observe something in our life or in the world that does not reflect Oneness or the Reverence of Life, we can invoke the Light of God into the situation and transmute the negativity associated with it by using the Violet Flame. Then we can envision what we want to create in its place.

Instead of polarizing against our government, for instance, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people who hold public office and ask them to take command of their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Then we can visualize the public officials responding with integrity and striving for the highest good for all Humanity. When greed, selfishness, and the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth are brought to our attention, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people involved in these activities as well. We can envision their I AM Presences taking command of their hearts and minds, and we can visualize them responding with love, generosity, and a willingness to assist those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into form. We need to create the vision of what we want life on Earth to be like, and then we need to set about creating that new reality.

In addition to empowering the vision of Heaven on Earth with our every thought, word, feeling, and action, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Since all Life is interconnected, when we lift into a higher level of consciousness or transmute an aspect of our human consciousness that no longer serves our highest good, we also lift and transmute the collective consciousness and energies of all Humanity as well.

As we transmute our own obsolete behavior patterns, we need to simply ask the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to lift their consciousness and to transmute their negative behavior patterns simultaneously. The Universal Law is: Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

In deep gratitude for our ability to serve Life on this sweet Earth, let’s join together and cocreate a unified forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity’s global consciousness than any of the other humanly generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity’s global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth.

The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with by our human egos. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great forces of Cause, knowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage EFFECTS in our lives rather than focusing on the CAUSE which will truly change the situation from within. Trying to change things by focusing on the effects is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, let’s join together and create a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


Please focus on this visualization now with the full power of your attention, knowing that you are joining in one-pointed consciousness with Lightworkers around the world.

We begin by invoking our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Our Father-Mother God now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love blazing in every person’s Heart Flame. This expansion of Light creates a tremendous magnetic Heart of Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This blazing Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love draws to itself the energy, vibration, and consciousness of pure Love from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This gift of Love flows into our planetary CAUSE and helps us to manifest the perfection of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God send forth a clarion call, and twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love respond. These selfless Beings of Light descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They take their strategic positions around the planet and willingly prepare to assist in this activity of Light.

These Solar Archangels are stationed equal distance around the Earth’s equator. As One unified force of Transfiguring Divine Love, they project the Light from their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth. They begin conducting a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

The Love from the Archangels expands through the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every soul becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other soul. Together we inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Sacred Fire now blazes through all Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is the open door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is now experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through their I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration, the CAUSE, of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present negative conditions that are surfacing to be healed on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Solar Archangels, and our I AM Presence, we are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic, spiritual forces of Transfiguring Divine Love over which Humanity is Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the open door that no one can shut. We are exploring and rediscovering the Company of Heaven and the Divinity within every person, in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting to each of us personally and collectively as we live within it. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We now know ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The twelve Solar Archangels are now expanding their Light to embrace every Human Being in a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield surrounds each of us and is anchored directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

Every person's I AM Presence now affirms with a deep inner knowing:

I AM a planetary forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal Light substance of my four Earthly Bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.

I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love. I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity’s day-to-day functioning.

I feel this forcefield of Divine Love permanently secured within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity.

I accept that this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God’s Holy Grace. It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.

I now breathe in deeply and return my attention to the room. I become aware of my physical body by gently moving my fingers and my toes. As I exhale, I open my eyes and begin breathing normally. (pause)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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